Hello visitor! My name is but you can give me a different nickname if you'd like. God knows I have enough of them. Well, whatever you call me, welcome to my personal site! You will notice that this site is mine therefore please respect my property. I appreciate feedback, so feel free to email or leave a guestbook entry for me to read. However, please keep unconstructive criticism OUT of the guestbooks. I'm much more lenient about what you email me about, so if you want to flame me, my inbox is the way to go. I think flames are funny :3
Being a kind but unfortunately awful pixel artist, I have decided to give you popcorn. I love popcorn. Being nearly drunk on guava juice at the time, I have made the popcorn pink. Please enjoy my fresh, pink popcorn, spawned from my silly nature. Feel free to save to your own server and serve to your guests! Link back required.
While you try to unstick your teeth you are asked to please read the notes below so you can navigate this site with ease. Also note that the snack is merely a badly concocted mix of pixels and uber bright colors. Do not attempt to eat/lick your computer screen.
Postscript: If you'd like to donate a pink popcorn image, just email me at xxchingchingxx@yahoo.com
The navigation are those little rectangles over to the left. I'm on a free server, so there are some advertisements but almost all of them are covered. The only ones I haven't been able to get rid of are flash banners. If you do happen to see one (and they will be a nuisance) click the refresh button under the title of each subpage. If you want an apology image and/or letter (please specify which or both), just click the get an apology and email me for a personalized one. Please let me know if you want pink popcorn with that.
Monday, February 9, 2004
Wow, I actually updated graphic attempts page! Amazing, but my actually attempt is not so. I call it Trendy #1 because I just tried out some trendy stuff. Haha. I'm thinking about making a graphic tutorial log. I think that sounds good. I got the basic layout I want on TheFearlistings. I wanna get hosted. *whines* But let us face it - I have no graphic talent and that is mostly what hosts want. People with graphic talent. Also updated is the fanlisting page and I added some new books to the booklist page. Trying to think of a new layout.
Monday, February 9, 2004
And again, more news. Why do I bother with titles?
More trendy updates for the blog. Oh yes, and a new page for the About Me section called "Recently Read Books". Can you just GUESS what that page is about? Nothing is there YET, because I just made it. Oh, and I updated little parts of the site. I'm changing all of the titles to >>NAME HERE<< and that sort of thing. I also slashed of booklight on my wishlist, because my parents got me one! Yay!
Sunday, February 8, 2004
I've update the blog with a new layout and more trendy style because trendy is more efficient than the "old way". I've also added a TCG section within the site. I have joined more fanlistings & hatelistings --- and, coming soon, Fearlistings! I just thought of that :) Copyright me. New page to about me. Top Fives.
Wednesday, January 28, 2003
New Layout
Everyone who bothers coming here will be happy to know I have finally updated. New layout. Can't say much more can I? Besides, you know, the whole "my layout sucks" speech. You've heard it so many times, I don't think I will bother today. Other crap that has been updated: I added a Ice-Cream CONE Clique. Cones are the best part of the whole ice cream thing. The only exception I make is for Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream with Chocolate Covered Nuts, which I will admit, tastes just as good without the cone as it does with.
Wednesday, January 21, 2003
I did some TCGing today. Um..I have to finish up the inner workings, but I took a break because of school. Maybe this weekend.
Monday, January 19, 2003
Inner workings part 2
Still working through all the pages. I can only do so many a day, so it's taking quite a while :P However, I have joined two TCG's in the meantime, Pirate! & The Golden Snitch. Go back to the splash page to see what's been happening with them; I've just ^joined^ The Golden Snitch so there is nothing there yet :)
Friday, January 16, 2003
Inner workings
I rewrote the Terms & Conditions page and put a new-page link to it on the splash page. Vistors would benefit from reading it :) I'm also going through all pages (one-by-one; No FTP) and updating them. Yikes.
Thursday, January 15, 2003
About FEET
I just wrote my first health article. I'm so pleased; it's really been a neat thing to research lately. In fact, I only credited ONE organization for information in "Taking Care of Your Feet" and that was about putting your feet on the toilet as leverage when working with your toenails. It was a good tip. I think I'll write more articles like this one, it was fun. Go ahead and read it...it's in the Content section.
Wednesday, January 14, 2003
New Layout
I just had to make one. It's been AGES since my last and I was quite itching for a change to kick off this year. So here is my very purple layout, which I like :D It's incredibly simple and all that. I didn't feel like playing too much with photoshop; I haven't been up to a full graphic mating dance for a while now.