You all know what forwards are (unless you are VERY lucky). They are those herds of useless emails FLOODING your inbox from people you know. To me, they are an offspring of SPAM. Here I will write about the different types of forwards and which suck & why they suck. To start off my rant on a good note I will give you the FWDs that don't much.
The good forwards are the kind that have fun stories in them (that you don't have to forward to find the rest of it). These forwards are simply fun to read. However, they often tell you that if you do not forward this to other you will have bad luck. That is stupid and pointless.
This next forward is kind of nice too: holiday forwards. This usually say nice things about the celebrant (Mother's day has nice things to say about mothers, yata). These are nice to read, especially to your mother. But they often say something bad will happen if you don't forward it or something. That's stupid.
Here are the forwards I HATE: the kind the try to scare you into sending them. That's not only annoying, stupid and a tad bit freaky they are also untrue. Another annoying kind is the wish kind, the one where try to entice you to FWD by telling you your true love after you've sent them (which they don't), the kind that say if you delete this you have a cold heart etc. STUPID FORWARDS!! Other forwards I hate are the kind that tell you if you don't forward it your email provider will delete your email account. UNTRUE as well, I've deleted at least 10 of these and my email account is still standing.
The last kind is rather...stupid. Not annoying or anything but stupid. This is the kind they get you to sign and when you reach this many signatures, your supposed to send it to some company, the president, etc. YEAH, RIGHT. Like that is actually going to work.
Anyways, FWDs are not only annoying, useless and stupid, they can also be used by scammers to find emails and send spam to you. This spam can contain porn, viruses and whatnot. Sucks doesn't it?