>>MY ABCs<<
refresh // get an apology

Addicted easily.
Being openminded.
Dead to the world, once I start reading.
Evil rating: not too high, loves a good prank
Fascinated by many things, including culture, drawing and simple things.
Good rating: not too high either
Help Chat (on Neopets.com) is my favorite board.
Intelligence is something I prize.
Jinxed is how my day is when I stub my toe first thing in the morning.
Katie is a very popular name, and it belongs to one of my friends.
Loving to those I care about, dishing out daggers to the opposite.
Mad...as in crazy, insane, etc.
Neat. I can be clean and precise when I have to be.
Odd. Just OdD.
Pink is my favorite color.
Quick to some things; slow to much.
Ready to try new things.
Silliness is one of my natural traits.
Teaser (not a tease, you guys!) - I really just tease people.
Understanding the "whys" is very important to me.
Virtuous. I DO have virtues.
Wierd. This goes along with OdD.
Xtra spinkles please!
Y doesn't the letter Y have any good words to describe me?

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