Welcome to my autobiography. That means it's written by me (doh!) and I need it to be more unique than the rest of the site but not too much more. This led to the change in layout. It is still very simple to get back to the main part of the site, so don't worry so much about that, you click that big X button. Worry about the fact you've chosen to read about my entire life. Enjoy.

I was born on August 23, 1990 in Buffalo, New York to Rowena and Jorge. I was a big baby, quite a bit over 8 lbs with a lot of hair. I only had one other cousin at the time, Angelo who was one year older than me. It caused quite a stir that shook the roots of my family tree. As for complications with birth, none with me but, as I said, I was a big baby and they had to cut Mommy open some more so I could get out.

I lived in an apartment with my Mama and Papa for the first few years of my life in the very snowed upon Buffalo. I obviously don't remember anything about this period in my life but when you're as photographed as I was, you can take a pretty good guess. I was read to a lot, which led to my early reading skills. I was potty-trained at one years old but I wasn't quick enough with my other bodily functions, such as walking. My main hobbies included eating, playing with my fun toys and watching Barney and Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

We eventually moved to Pittsburg, Pennsylvannia and this is when my memory began to kick in. My first memories go as far back as when I was three, which I consider pretty early. I started pre-school around this time. I remember Sister Regina who always got on my mom's case 'cause we were usually late for school. I had one 'friend', Maggie. I can suppose had fun times together, though I only vaguely remember her. The other kids at my school thought I was a 'doll' because of my face and hair. Most of them were jealous or something, because I knew they didn't like me. The highlight of my pre-school years was staying after once for naptime and playing outside. I thought that was the goal of my entire life. As for other friends, I had none. Though my parents had friends in my dad's cousin who also lived in Pittsburg. I remember their house very well, especially the tire swing. Still, I loved our apartment. I can remember almost exactly where all of the rooms where and a lot of what was in it. I had lots of toys and my favorites were the wooden blocks which I used to build castles. I was content until another being came upon my little world.

My brother entered the world and my life on December 16, 1993. He was lighter than myself and didn't have any hair, which I thought was silly. I remember the night he was born and I can't say it was a happy one. I was crying because I wanted to stay at the hospital with Mama. I was very upset so I slept with my dad. I didn't want to sleep with Lola Ling (my mom's mom; my grandmother) for some reason. Anyways, Miguel slept in my room in his crib. I was a good sister because I loved babies. I thought he was the best and tried to help mom take care of him. Mom spent a lot of time in that room, partially because I demanded she sleep with me until I fell asleep. My brother was a sleeper. He only woke up to cry for food, then slept again. The rare times he was awake, he found me hilarious. I'd make silly faces and he'd laugh so hard he'd fall on his back. Though, I did do something that definitely went on the 'Do Not Do When Playing with Little Brother' list. I put plastic bags over our heads and ran around the house. Boy, I got one heck of a scolding. The good news is, I did not do these sort of things often. I was an avid reader, at least I was to my parents. I was dramatic and silly. I had one imaginary friend, JojoBobo and two fish (I think they were also named Jojo and Bobo...but I could be wrong). I cried so hard when my fish died. JojoBobo was forever lost one day. I was growing up.

My family moved to a small town in Michigan (in fact, so small that you could probably find me which is why I'm not going to say the name here. I'm a paranoid person.) I started Kindergarten and began my journey into the world of piano. I was a big reader, I quit dance (I was afraid of doing cartwheels for some reason) and I finally lived in a real house. I had such good times playing with Miguel and my toys. Miguel was quicker to learn how to walk and run then I was, so we could run around outside together. Our landlady from whom we rented our house from, had to girls who I thought were great at the time. Brianne used to babysit me and I think I gave her a hard time. I mean, I yelled at her to get out of my house sort of time :D Anyhow, she went to the same school I did and she got me started on what to do. At school I was actually quiet when I had work to do and much loved by the teachers. I was slow to learn how to tie my shoes though. I made 'friends' but I was generally thought of as smart but kind of weird looking. Sophia, one of my little friends, actually told me I 'had a big head but it's because I have such a big brain'.

I was never invited to parties or houses because my parents were (are!) paranoid (maybe with just cause) about me and what I do. Though, it probably had something to do with the fact that though I talked about myself a lot and didn't pay attention to what was going on. Be as that may, I was generally liked. I was the smart kid of the class and kind of cute, in a dorky Asian doll sort of way. However, as I grew older, I lost that Asian doll look. From kindergarten to third grade, I was very concentrated on school and got many awards. I loved many of my teachers, though there was one I particularly hated. I mostly got straight A's and was brainy. I had the beginnings of a perfectionist in me. I liked St. Mary's a lot and wasn't afraid of the nuns like other people were. The people I knew then have changed a lot. I could see it coming though, I had feelings about what people were like though I never talked about people. I had some painful memories at the playground, though it was a really neat playground really. Like the time I fell off the monkey bars, landed stomach down on a bar and puked up my banana and not one of the mother's on duty noticed. Or the time I was running and Brianne pulled my coat to make me go faster and I fell and scraped my entire leg up. I disliked her after that, though that faded quickly. I know her now and she's cool ^_^

When I changed schools, I was rather distraught but I wasn't really attached to anyone in St. Mary's. St. Anne's was much older than St. Mary's but it didn't have as nice a library system, which disturbed me. I met some of my very close friends here, though along with my friends I lost some innocence too. I learned what it was like not to do well on report card (I considered B's bad by the way) and finally learned curse words. I began to talk a lot, though at first I only bragged about myself. I hated myself then because I was so self-concious about the way I dressed and everything. I began to gain knowledge about things, real knowledge about things I liked and was interested in. Culture, religion, my future and computers ^_~ I knew my main obsession is Sanrio stuff and it still is. I began to be known as the Filipino, the incredibly hyper, the original and the weird. I wasn't like the other girls because of all of these things and I never bothered following music or clothe trends. However, they liked me for who I am and I am close with Jessie, Jillian, Katie, Rebekah and Kayelee still. The other girls were either new and I don't know them that well or I just lost contact with them. Anyways, I was fun and happy and totally content with my life. I still did really well in school and I was known as a smarty-pants. I was creative and worked well in groups, but I usually was the organizer. Yes, I was bossy. Yes, we did get A's.

This brings us into 7th grade. Now, 7th grade was an amazing period of change for me. I was friendly and looked pretty normal but I was opinionated and extremely passionate about the things I loved. I worked hard and got good and made many wondeful new friends. I was testing the waters of being out there on my own in a 'public' school and I liked it. The ethnic backgrounds of my school are not very diverse, I'm in the minority. People recognize me because of this and my loudness. I'm a loud person but I have so many different faces - not that I hide them or am blatently dishonest - but I change from happy and carefree to bitchy and critical to smart and nerdy to opinionated and dramatic. I can switch easily from one to the other. I like the way I dress because it's uniquely me. I don't were Ambercrombie or Aeropostle because I've never even heard about them till last year and don't really care for them. I like orginality and place it high on my list of things to be. However, I'm not a non-conformist either...not that I try to be. If I liked all the things that the majority do, then I would be a conformist. But since I don't, that's just what I like. Yes, I do where funny stuff because it fits me and how I feel. Though, sometimes I were 'trendy' clothes, not because I want to look trendy, but because that's what was in my closet. I don't think too much about my clothes really, but I'm known in my 'clan of friends' for not wearing jeans (I do, but they don't believe me. I point it out to them.) and wearing outfits that came from the Philippines. All of this leads us to the present.

I am now in eighth grade. I'm comfortable with who I am and what I like at the moment. My only discontentment would be the fact that I'm not stick thin and that sometimes I act the opposite of how I want to portray myself. I try hard to be open minded yet observant about people and subjects. I'm trying hard to do well in school and not be defensive about so much. I want so much to prove myself in school, so I try to be the best that I can be.