wednesday, janaury 28 2003
Full-blown agony that lasts a minute or annoying-as-heck pain that lasts a day?
I am a victim of the latter. My stomach hurts if I sit in certain positions and as I'm trying to complain about this on the computer, I'm pretty sure I'll develop a headache. To be honest, I'd rather have serious, serious agony for a minute than this. I mean to make a new calendar for this blog, and add my Recently Read Books page (idea courtesy of Ivy) but unfortunately, my brain hurts. My topic of the day: My top most painful moments in history.
1. Playground injury. In my old school we have "snack time" outside while running around and playing on the delapidated equipment. Stupid idea, right? I probably should of had more sense than to do what I did, but I was only six! I wasn't as precocious as I make myself out to be. Anyways, it had been a mucky day and all of the metal bars on the monkey bar were slippery. I was climbing up the rung of the ladder, banana in hand and mouth. I slipped, the bar caught my stomach and I couldn't breath. I landed hard on the ground and started crawling on the woodchips. After a few seconds of serious fear (I was wondering if I was going to choke and die), I puked up my banana and started to cry. Five minutes of sobbing. Then I buried my banana vomit in woodchips, so that I wouldn't freak anyone out. Today I wonder, why the heck didn't any of the so-called "volunteer supervisors" didn't get their arses over to me, the choking child? Well, I remember looking up to see if anyone was watching and guess what? The volunteers were standing in a circle, backs to the children and didn't notice a thing.
2. a brother and a tennis racket. To put it shortly, he wasn't watching what he was doing, he swung the racket in a wide circle and hit my face. I was surprised my head didn't fall right off my shoulders, but God makes comprimises and allowed only my glasses to fall off. But my head hurt. The funny thing was, when I picked up my glasses, they weren't even scratched!
3. Death. Two of my most frightened moments have something to do with death. The first was that I was afraid of dying at night. I'd lay awake, shivering, and thinking up horrible scenarios where I would die. Painfully. I eventually got over that, and I'm not really afraid of dying anymore. If it happens, it happens right? My second most-freaked-out moment was when my grandfather died, my mom's side. She went to her room and cried of hours. It scared the crap outta me.
Fun thoughts, ne? Actually, in happier news, my dad is coming home from a conference today! Yay! And I played DDR Workout mode and I reached my goal of 250 calories, though it took me 40 minutes and 28 stages. I need to practice piano now! Adios!
much love,
wednesday, janaury 28 2003
Do I really think this much?
I'm so confused. Why in heaven's name (Beatrice, maybe?) would they, could they, not have an ice cream CONE fanlisting?? That's ludicrious! An ice-cream travesty! I ^scream^ for ice cream CONES, darn it! (I lied in the previous entry; I don't like to swear. I just do.) I am taking matters into my own hands! I'll make my own clique for all who worship ice-cream CONES. I'd make a fanlisting, but that would entail a seperate layout & system - plus, I'd feel the need to get approved by The Fanlistings [dot] ORG, which would be a waste of my time. Good thing today is a snow day, I can make it today.
To be honest, I've made quite a lot of things this past week. I'm going to make a layout for...oh crude, I can't remember her name... but she and I take on AIM a lot. I tried to start yesterday, but I'm still trying to determine what would be the best way to go about it. I added my Neopet Life Guide to the TSP guild website. I made a new layout for Ching Ching. I'm very pleased with it, as much as I say it sucks. I'm doing very well on Neopets, in fact, I'm officially a Neomillionaire. LOL. I could never hope to get that much IRL. I even updated my TCG's. I really need to put them in a more convient place on the website...but for now, they are fine.
Oh. My. Lord. My room is not clean. *leaves the computer* I'll be back as soon as this red alert area is clean.
...well, it's not happening.
Four hours later...
still not done. But I thought I'd mention the fact that I was laughing
in front of this screen for the past hour. It sounded kind of pathetic,
but cute.
much love,
tuesday, janaury 27 2003
Finally! A SNOWDAY!
Note: The word "finally" will be used many times in this entry
Right. So I finally had time to update this. I finally backed up this
website. I finally finished reading this. I'm a devote D/G fan, but this was a spectacular
piece of fanfiction. I grudgingly give it due respect. And I finally
made some acute observations about my love for all things Harry Potter.
1. My language. It has mostly lost it's American-cussing style. But I'm only
stopping for my mother. To be honest, I like swearing. But my vocabulary
is less colorful now. *sigh* ...but, thanks to J.K Rowling, I've been introduced
into much more British cursing. I use "arse" instead of "ass",
and adding "prat" and "git" to my vocab was nothing short of genius. I had
to minus out "fuck", "damn", "shit", "bitch", and "bastard" though.
2. Well, it is obvious, isn't it? I'm a HP fan. I don't have
much tangible fan-evidence, but online I'm a monster. I'm an
avid fanfic reader, a supporter of DracoXGinny, though I have found
RonXHermione fanfiction touching. Certain HarryXGinny fanfics have
caught my eye and a href=""
target="_blank">After The End is one of them. I am part of
a Harry Potter TCG that is quickly becoming a favorite game of mine.
(I refuse to call it an obsession.) I have seen the movies many times,
though I have found Dan Radcliffe an incompetent actor to portray my
dear Harry. Rupert Grint is 'mazing though.
On and on I could go, but I don't feel much like bloggin right now. I'm sort of random and touchy today.
much love,
tuesday, janaury 20 2003
I barely procrastinated today!!
The only thing I procrastinated (and it was very minor) was my French worksheet. I wanted to do it at home! Awesome!! This is a record for me!...and speaking of school, I have all A's. I have two A-'s but they are still A's right? Yeah. How was my day?
Science: We reviewed the chapter. Rebekah claims that our
science teacher is a pervert because she said things like "Science doesn't blows!". Obviously, I did not notice because my mind does not
run in the language of sex terms.
Geometry: I got pretty far, but Matt is ahead already! But he was
strangely nice, in a dominant sort of way. Like "helping" me by telling me
all the answers to the test. Ohhhkay. Maybe it is because my parents are
going to his house for dinner; thinks that he'd better be nice to me just
in case I follow...I love blackmail.
English: New seating chart. It's ok, but since we are his best class
he is going to let us choose our seats in a week. We had a vocab test and
I wrote an especially long journal.
Band: I could not play today because of my sore. I have a dentist appointment
tomorrow...darn it.
History: More work on the computers. Very cool. Our sub liked mine
and complimented me, which was nice. We are doing Declaration of Independence
French: New seating charts. It's alright to. We reviewed some stuff,
got a little bit of homework. We got our grades...A- and I got a 97% on
the French midterm! Awesome :)
Online: I spent a good chunk of my day finally updating my other account. Everything is going smoothly and I won't have to do such huge updates like I did today. I added another TCG collection. I love those things :)
Offline: I need to clean my room. I am eating healthier though - I had a plain Ego waffle (90 calories) for breakfast, dry salad and grapes for lunch, two Egos with syrup for midsnack (270 calories) and rice, churiso, and egg for dinner. Not too shabby :) I still need to play DDR though and practice piano, but I'm getting better! Jessie and Katie commented on my junk. LOL, I just hope Rebekah doesn't read how mad I was back down there :P
much love,
monday, janaury 19 2003
checking off things on my TO-DO list...
You know that feeling I described yesterday? That "I feel so happy inching toward my goals" feeling? I still have it. But now, with no school today, I realize that besides calling it a "content" feeling, I could also call it focus. It's so weird, I've never HAD focus before. I like it :D What about my day?
What would've been a nice, relaxed day turned out to be a chance to use this newfound focus of mine. I went to Safe Sitter. I was a little bored but not as much as yesterday. Anyways, seven hours after I arrived, I graduated from Safe Sitters class. I won the prize for the best poster. It wasn't all that great. My tip for posters is: don't make your drawings small or too detailed and make sure that they convey the point. Oh...and a nice title and logo. That's it.
Afterwards, I got on the stupid computer and finally did what I had to do. I *gulp* updated my TSP accounts. I'm serious. All of them. TSP is so up to date, it ain't funny. And it ain't. It's sooo awesome :) Now I just have the task of doing the SAME for the Anime Fusion accounts. Oh well... at least when it is over, I will be DONE and can, as I have been saying, update by-and-by not HUGE OVERHAUL every month or so. Yay!!
While I was doing this I was surfing blogs for a very long while. I even updated this one with more blog junk....LOL >>> I need to add something to random jots :K I also ^FINALLY^ added my TCG's - they are so addicting. *not ANOTHER addiction*....Yikes.
I have to lose some weight over here. Just a little. I'll keep you posted.. I will keep track of what I eat and NO MORE than 1200 calories a day. I will do 45 minutes of DDR a day. I will do exercises before and after I go to bed. I will watch what I eat. I will do my homework. I will practice my music. I will watch my personal hygiene better. I will not drink pop. *shiver* I will shut up.....
Here is a quote by my brother after I teased him about being in love with his stuffed animal: BOYS!!. My reply? Yes, I do. I love them. What of it?. HAHAHAHA.
[edit]I checked my email and got a question!! Wow, my first :)
where are you tcgs? : There are on my splash page - click "Click --> TCGs and that's where they are :) [\edit]
much love,
sunday, janaury 18 2003
Just doing my thing
You know, I think I've reached a point when I just do what things and complete goals and be completely...content. No surprises. Just sitting here, doing things on my todo list and being happy when I finish one. It's a great feeling and I love it SO much. I'm just so happy and content. I want to remember this feeling. Since I'm trying to blog more often, this question survey thing I found for Sundays is really quite useful.
Your Personal Treasure Map
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
-Matthew 6:21
1. What if someone told you that all you needed to do to make your dreams come true is to create a personal treasure map. In this map would be all of the things you want in your life. These things can be people, things, a certain job, a location...etc. Well I can't tell you that the things on your map will come true, but I can tell you that everything in your outer world is created in your mind first. With that said...what would be on your personal treasure map for say...10 years from now?
I'd probably want it to have some of my longtime goals to be accomplished. Those goals I dream about having. Like a good practice, maybe a family (maybe) and enjoying myself. Going on a world tour just for me.
Embracing Joyful Simplicities
Year by year the complexities of this spinning world grow more bewildering and so each year we need all the more to seek peace and comfort in the joyful simplicites.
-Woman's Home Companion, December 1935
2. We all have great moments in our lives that are marked by events such as the day we got married, the day we finally got our dream job, our baby was born...etc. The days that we will never forget. But what about all the little things? These are the joyful simplicities the engage our senses...that nourish our body and soul. Such as the smell of your favorite homemade soup filling your kitchen. The joy of the sun shining through your living room window on a summers day. The warmth that fills your heart as you peek at your rearview mirror and see your children playing in the back seat of your car. What types of joyful simplicities do you have in your life? Try to name at least 3 things...or more!!
1. Completely a goal of my todo list
2. Helping someone out when they are having trouble
3. Being complimented
Creative Excursions;The Gift of Time
I celebrate myself, and sing myself
I loafe and invite my soal...
-Walt Whitman
3. When is the last time you went on a creative excursion? What this means is something that you do by yourself...for yourself. This is where we take away the title of wife...mother...student....teacher...etc....and look inside ourselves. When is the last time you did something that made you feel good. Something that celebrated yourself...that showed your creative side...or your energetic side, or even your really needed a break from life's daily routine side? And don't feel bad if you can't think of something, this is very hard to do. But maybe this will give you the extra push to not feel guilty the next time you really want to do something for yourself.
I go on creative excursions everytime I write, draw, work on this website or even think. Creativity is part of life!
Today is Ivy's Birthday! I have Safe Sitter tomorrow (ugh, boring) but I do have to skip piano...Anyways, the trip to the lake was fun. I got some things done - homework, writing. When I got back I worked on Neopets. Yay for me!
much love,
friday, janaury 16 2003
Happy with G O A L S
THE SEMESTER/MARKING PERIOD IS OVER. I know that typing in all capitals = shouting (and breaks all so many internet rules) but I really am shouting. I love starting new marking periods, and I ended so well this time ^_^ Here are my grades, which are a pretty good estimate:
Science: A- // Geometry: A range // English: A // Band: A // History: A //
French: B+
How sweet is THAT? Let me give you the breakdown of my schoolday :)
Science: I am all caught up (of course) and I'm doing very well
in it right now. I will keep this up. Plus, the two girls at my table
are *really* nice to me and that's cool.
Geometry: I am all caught up too - it took quite a bit of doing, but
I was done a day ahead of schedule along with everyone else! I had a little
help from (surprise, surprise) Matt, Drew & Ross. Erin helped too, but the
poor girl was struggling herself so I didn't want to bother her @_@ I hope
she got through alright - I know I sometimes complain about her, but I
think she's generally nice :)
English: I asked Mr. McCourt if he needed help grading papers, but
it was decided that he doesn't need that much help ^^ There will be a
vocabulary test on Tuesday, but I need not worry - I know it, just a quick
review before the test will be enough. We are doing the Anne Frank story
and I need to get my notes done :)
Band: I'm happy about this class. We sound better AND I got an
A and I got a 19/20 on that chromatic scale test. I probably already said
that but I really love being in band. I won't miss it next year though,
too much too do. Plus I'm rather attached to having Mr. Reynold's as
a band teacher.
Lunch: I know this isn't a period, but I must make one comment.
Warning: DO NOT TAKE FOOD FROM OTHER PEOPLE! My gosh, it annoys me to look
at someone eating off another person's tray - even continuing to do so,
when they specifically asked her not do. What is that girl THINKING? That
is very rude.
History: Mrs. Laskowski's father died, so she will be gone for a whole
week. I must remember to send her a Condolence card or something. That's so
sad...but her father was 98! That's a ripe old age to pass on, if you asked me.
Our sub is Mr. Romsomethingorother. Whatever his name, he is an awesome teacher
and lecturer. I was hanging on to his every word and he made it so humorous -
even coming close to cussing! LOL. (more on swearing in a minute)
French: Midterms were today. The oral one was yesterday. I'd say,
I probably got an O for Outstanding. So easy, and yet I didn't really study
all that much, no matter what I told people. I'm going to miss French a little...
but I may like Spanish more who knows?
If you read my post yesterday, you may have noticed I swore about every sentence. I apologize, I was really pissed off. I am going to make it a one of my goals - not to swear. That shouldn't be too hard :D I'm not even that angry at Rebekah anymore...I just don't trust her. Period. Life moves on, if she reads that, that's ok. That's how I felt, nothing to be ashamed of (minus all the F___ words). Right now I'm a feeling a little weirded out towards Jillian. She keeps on insulting me right under my nose! Examples:
1. Yesterday - she said I'm about as smart as ANDREW B. That's like insult numero uno. She thinks this because (a) I space out a lot and have to ask for a recap (b) I procrastinate most times (c) she thinks I never do my homework and (d) I'm loud. Let's think about this for a second. I know I space out a lot during French especially. I sometimes get lost in my thoughts. This does not make me dumb. True, I procrastinate, but how does that indicate I am a moron? I almost always do my homework - the only one I was really missing in French was that one that I lost - doesn't make me stupid. The other one, we BOTH lost, so that doesn't count. I'm loud, what of it? This one hurt, because it's obvious that because I'm so silly and take things so unseriously, that no one will ever take ME seriously. Besides, they think my take on issues are radical or something...good lord.
2. Today - This was WEIRD. I told everyone I wanted to go by Victoria in high school. Her first point, which was a good one, was that I can't just tell everyone to start calling me Victoria. I replied that my friends can call me Cara if they want. Then she launches into an explanation about how if I go by Victoria everyone will think I'm a prissy rich-girl who lives in an million dollar mansion and has loads of money and is stuck up. I was so surprised. I told her only MORONS would think that, because most people with sense know that a name does not reflect a person's personality. She replied that the most POPULAR girl in seventh grade thinks my name is prissy. Oooh, what a comeback. know, my name IS prissy, but what does that have to do with me being like that?
Yeah...weird....I don't see any sense in that. Internet wise I am updating all my pages and such and such :) I changed the blog a little - new background and some comment stuff. Jessie read my blog yesterday and thought it was hilarious. HAHA, she would've shown it to my mom, but I swore too many times in it to have a good impression on her :)
much love,
friday, janaury 14 2003
Twittering my time away
ME: You know how I was all worried about my classes? Here is the
lowdown on them now (two weeks later).
Science: Such a catch up, you'd never believe. I got an
A- on the major test, so my grade guestimate is an A-. Not too bad.
I'm all caught up with my work, so I'm happy :D
Geometry: Same here. It's amazing how fast I can work when I set my
mind to it. I'm all caught up, I only have one test left to (re)take. Matt
& Drew both got 84% on it when they retook it (they got 84% the first time too).
I got, you guessed it, 84% the first time around. Those surface area things
are a bitch.
English: I'm a tad bit behind, but I'll be all caught up by
tonight. It'll be a simple matter of writing one journal, copying some
notes, doing two quick text assignments and VOILA! Instant caught up.
Band: LOL, must start practicing! I will, I will. I'm a band geek, yet
I am so unmotivated when it comes to this. I am quitting next year, but I
need to call my band instructor so I can see if I can join city band.
History: All set. I'm all caught up, I have an A, I'm good, I'm good.
French: I have midterms I need to study for. I really need to apply
myself when it comes down to this. I don't have much aptitude with these
sort of stuff.
Now, here is a bitch. Rebekah aka Backfucking Bitch. Becca and I have never gotten along that well since 5th grade, when she got mad at me just because she liked to make my life miserable. I didn't understand until now that she just likes the attention I gave her. But I didn't really care all that much, I knew she was bad news. She isn't a druggie or anything like that, but you will NEVER be able to trust her. Ever. So I go along with my petty life, enjoying myself and sometimes treading carefully into her company. She hadn't done anything directly at me for a long while. And NOW I find that, three days after making plans with me to go to Chicago for band, switches my name with three other girls. She claims she TOLD me. She ASKED me and I said NO and she said OK. Fuck her. And she KNEW that I would be MAD, but does she care? No. I'm not hurt, because everyone knows she is a liar and it's rather dangerous to "tango" with her, but I didn't know people still FUCKING FLIPPED PEOPLE OFF like that anymore. That's very childish and shitty. I already got an offer to room with them, so I'm set again. Still, it infuriates me that someone could do that. Jillian, and I'm not pissed at her for saying this, made some points in the Bitch's defense.
1. She doesn't have a good life.
Fuck NO. She has all the material and emotional needs, despite the
lack of trust her friends show her. Besides, that FUCK has nothing to
do with being so AWFUL to people.
2. I knew she was an untrustworthy bitch, so why should I care?
Yeah, I should of made extra plans just so I could be "safe" in
case she blew me off. She's right in one respect, I should've known
NEVER to let her into my life at all. She's has negative energy invading
my life. Besides, I CARE because it was ME she blew off.
She wants attention? I'm not giving it to her. I just bitch about her for a while on my blog and diary and learn my lesson (Never trust Rebekah the Bitch). If we know she's so awful (she's rude) why do we bother? Because she's a backstabber, she knows her game. She's nice most of the time, but then turns around and stuffs a knife up everyones pussy. Katie and some others said I should get her back - I won't. Though, I've made up my mind, if I hear her talking about someone I will definitely show her my hand. In her face. OK, that's enough about that loser.
Alright, I've g2g (I haven't used that abbr. in a long time...)
much love,
friday, janaury 2 2003
Prounounced BE-DING. Means "gay". Not the happy kind; the homosexual kind. Gosh, I love this word. Has such a beautiful ring to it doesn't it? BEDIIIIIIIIING! Alright, alright, I'll respect gay and lesbian rights by not making fun of the Tagalog term for homosexual. Even though you can just imagine what people think of when they think of "beding bedding" (no, you did not see a spelling error. I really meant beding bedding). Get it?
Oh. My. Gawd. School is an absolute hell. OK, I admit, not a really BAD hell or anything, but it's not a nice feeling walking into school everyday knowing you're failing a math class (something you're supposed to be good at) and not letting your parents know the extent of your horrors. I. am. scared. You see, I've never gotten anything lower than a B- before, and know I'm probably not going to get higher than a C. Soooo much depends on my Geometry grades! If I loose this battle with Geometry, not only will I feel suicidal, I will not get contacts or my new monitor! Do you see my dilemma know? (I know that it may not seem bad, but it is.) I'm SUPPOSED to be smart. I SUPPOSED to know this stuff. I am SUPPOSED to apply myself. Instead, I am sitting here wailing my little heart out. And...I. Don't. Care. I'm too far behind! Erin is in the same place I am. I will NOT let her beat me. She can't beat me. I have to do better. I must. I think I can do it. If I pass two sections in class...that's eighteen lessons. If I stay after school and pass two more, that's around sixteen... so maybe I can do it. Maybe. But I'll really have to start working, none of this lazing around procrastinating stuff. I can do this! I will do this! I just need to work harder. Maybe I can work in a section each day at lunch! That's another nine lessons - without lunch. Fuck.
More ranting? Of course! I'm still on the subject of school, by the by. Other courses I'm failing? Well...close to failing...? FINE, just a tad bit upset by? Band. Not by any fault of our wonderful's just...I have a playing test tomorrow on the chromatic scale. I hate that scale. Very much so. I want to shove it's annoyingly perfect tone up my ASS. I have to practice that today, along with my piano. I like piano, it's nice. I don't like blowing so much. That's why I like piano better than clarinet. Especially alto clarinet. OK, that's about all I can say as to the stuff going on in school that I hate. Besides the fact it's harder to blog because I'm so busy. Here's my school junk for today.
Science: We're doing light refraction/reflection stuff today. I think I'm missing something, I don't have notes I'm supposed to or something. I'll have to look into that. Anyways, it's rather interesting, but I get a tad bit loco over the fact that I mix up stupid stuff as to why images are real or virtual. If I can seem them, then they fucking SHOULD be real. I'm just kidding, I have enough imagination to realize that things aren't always the way they seem. Quote: "Real images are upside-down." That's very, very true.
Geometry: If you want to see the rant of a scared little girl, you should go up and read what I wrote about this. It's rather frightening. Anyways, I'm still trying to pass that one on Surface Area which should be so hard, but is anyway. I got frustrated and skipped it for now. I'll go back to it again tomorrow AFTER SCHOOL. I'll be spending a lot more time in this classroom from now on. I swear.
English: We're doing presentations in class today. It's pretty cool, but no one is doing a really outstanding job. A good class to waste time or, like me, FIND A WAY TO PASS GEOMETRY! Fun, fun. Yesterday, we had this whole thing on high school schedules. I'm sooo excited to be going to high school; it seems like the start of a career - choosing the subjects and electives that fit best for your career path. More on this later.
Band: I was in agony, waiting for my turn to play the chromatic scale. It didn't come. I hate that scares me SO badly. I can play it going up, but not coming down. After this, I will practice that and my piano. Really. We are doing pretty well for band festival. I must get that alto clarinet of mine fixed. I'm quitting band once I get to high school; I'll go for City Band instead.
History: More presentations in this class, but I still have tons of homework. I'll probably have to use the internet to look up all that junk on the War (can't remember which). It's an alright homework...anyways, it was in this classs that I figured out some very important things for my high school schedule. I have to give back my booklet tomorrow; it has ravioli on it...
French: Have I ever mentioned that this class has forever marred my idea of the French? I'm sooo bored and when I'm paying attention I get very confused. Hm...we have to hand in our notebooks next week and...I've... never...taken...notes...the...whole...SEMESTER....DAMN. I'll probably like Spanish better - I wanted German, but Mom said NO....silly women.
Online-ish-ness: OK, Anywhere Is [slash] Celine has been going on a little break. If you get her messege be proud!! I've also updated all of my Neopet accounts. It's ALL good. Mostly anyways. The Anime Fusion guild stuffz need a little work, but TSP is all set! Today we rounded up the last of the codestones we need. I joined SERENE BOARDS and it's pretty sweet. I love that forum; it's the first board I've ever joined and it made the first step very enjoyable! Love it! Yup, yup! Email correspondence has been going well, I love getting email :) Woohoo!
Anyways, I'd better get cracking. See you!
much love,
friday, janaury 2 2003
Hullo Internet!
I've just got back on the internet to do some updates - I let everything, including this blog, slide in the wake of the holiday season :) Firstly, email: I'm telling eveyrone NOT to email me FWD's 'cause I hate them and I don't want them in my inbox, thanks! But I do like filling out this survey's, though I don't see the point in sending them to people. I just post these on my website :)
>1.Starting time 10:17
>2.nickname: ching, Car-a, Kitty, Cera, Car-Car chan, Vicky
3.longest friend: ^__^ I've known most of my friends for an even amount
of time.
>4.funnyest friend: Depends on who has drank the most pop!
>5.smartest friend: Jessie :)
>6.dumest friend: Depends on who slept the least the night before.
7.athletic friend: Rachel Gabauer
>8.lazyest friend: Katie.
9.who do u get advice from: My MOM.
>~!~ON URSELF~!~
10. height: 4' 10''
>11.d.o.b: August 23, 1990
>12. righty or lefty: righty
13.eye color: dark, dark brown
>14.shoe size: Ranging from size 4 - 6
>15.shoe brand: Like I know... @.@
>16.crack any bones: No. I despise that habit.
>17.pets: A dog [Pongo the Newfoundland] and a betta fish [Cherry Bubbles]
>18.sibliings: Holy crap, where'd this person learn how to SPELL? - I have
one sibling, as in singular, Miguel.
>19.boyfriend/girlfriend: No.
> u like any one: Yes. Like my friends, my dog, my teachers, Mr. Lightner,
Mrs. Vough, my mom, my dad and the occasional rock.
>~!~HAVE U EVER~!~
21.liked a teacher: As in, respected? Yes. As a crush, no.
>22.killed someone: I'm planning to - whoever wrote this stupid thing
without proper grammer or spelling. Gawd, use a spell checker if you haven't
learned the basics yet.
>23.laughed so hard u almost peed ur pants: Yes - if you haven't, then
you are deprived of a very enriching experience.
>24.ran into a glass door: Ditto above ^
>25.kicked a wall and broke bones: Nope.
>26.been in love: Crude, no! I thought I was, but I was in
fifth grade, what did I know?
>27.smoked: No. Not anything like that anyway. I smoked some ants with
a magnifying glass though.
>28.gone skinny diping: No, but I will someday.
> drunk: Ditto above ^
>30:been hit by a car: Ditto above ^
>31.done any illigel drugs: No. Stupid question, if I had, would I tell you?
32.boxers or breifs: Boxers can have prettier designs.
>33.long hair or short: Doesn't matter - duh!
>34.tall or short: Um...why would I care?
>35.6 pack or muscular: Muscular; it'll useful to have a guy friend who can
pick you up!
>36.ear periced or not: It's pierced, you numbskull! And I don't care.
>37.sporty or outdoorsy: Well, they can be both genuis!
>38.good guy or bad guy: Both.
>39.light or dark hair: Whichever
>40.hat or no hat: Well, here's the thing, I don't CARE!
Ok....sure, I'll do this too. I could be bisexual for all you know.
Just kidding. I'll just do a Katie, and write about me.
>42.tall or short: Short, silly.
>43.long or short hair: Stupid, there's a very long stage in between
short and long, and I'm in it.
>44.dark or light eyez: I'm dark.
>45.body or personality: Personality, of course.
>46.ears pirced or not: Yes, once.
47.curly or stragiht hair: Stupid, there's other styles to you know!
I'm going for the fizzy-wavy not-a-style-at-all look.
>48.good bad girl: It depends on how high your moral standards are.
> up or down: Depends on my mood. I like it up when I'm working
hard but I like it down when I'm thinking.
>50.sporty or classy: Neither.
>51.chicken or ballsy: I'm going to shoot the person who made this thing.
52.coke or pepsi: Coke, or whichever is the nearest.
>53.taco bell or McDonalds: Neither. Both are fast food retards.
>54.cats or dogs: Dogs are more my style, but I love Hello Kitty!
> or tea: Iced coffee is very good as is iced tea.
>56.sweet or sour: Depends, on the food.
>57.vinilla or chocolate: Varies, but I'd probably say chocolate.
58.cake or cookie: Cookie - with the exception of cheescake.
> or bottom: I guess top, but it depends. Like I'd love to be
on top of everyone else in a internationally traded company but I'd hate
to be on top of a burning building.
> or roller hockey: Roller. Ice is rather cold for my ass.
>61:day or night: Night, I don't like sleeping.
>62.lights on or off: Off, unless I wan't to see.
>63.ocean or pool: Ocean, as long as the beaches are white sand. I love
beaches and the ocean.
64.favorite season: I'd have to say summer, but I love
each of the seasons.
65. favorite food: Too many to list; check my fanlistings.
> Something that looks sporty, I'll take. I'll also take a mercedes
>67.candy: Kitkats/M&M's
>68.sports: DDR! and tennis :)
>69.things to do: You can see whole lists of that crap everywhere, I won't
plague you with another
>70:number: 3 or 7
>71.drink: Virgin Strawberry Daquiri (oh no, spelling!)
> Christmas!
>73:Quote: We only call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken. Whatever floats my boat.
> I'm not big into the radio.
76.whos gunna be by ur side: My the hell am I supposed to know?
>77.wut do u wanna be when u grow up: A dermatologist, a book reviewer or
something in business. If I have time...maybe something for Greenpeace
or something.
>78.Favorite name: GIRL:Eden, Kitty, Nymphadora BOY: Matthew, George
79.wut r u wareing: See my Time Stop
>80.Where were u born: Buffalo New York
81.favorite day of the week: Saturday
>82.whos the last person u recived mail from: Dude, a lot of people :)
83.whos mostl
gunna send it back: I don't encourage this sort of thing.
>84.favorite lip gloss: Uh..I only use lip balm - Vaseline or sometimes
GAP Vanilla.
>85.favorite symbol: I like the energy that the sun symbolizes, but I have
a whole score of different symbols I like for different reasons.
>86.ever kissed someone u didnt no: Like hell no.
>87.been in a sauna: Yes.
>88.been in a hot tub: Yes u have a lava lamp: No. They are a fire hazard.
>90.most prized posesion: I would kill you if you stole my sapphire pendant.
>91.wut r u listening right now: Smooth Grandmama
>92.time ended: 10:47
It took me so darn long to but all those
much love,