. . . c h i n g - c h i n g . . .

.archived diary entries NOVEMBER

november 25 .2003

Yikes! I haven't been able to do anything lackadasical online lately. No blogging, no graphics just for fun (with the exception of Mr. Stud but I'll get to that later) and only workish type things like updating layouts, websites and guild stuff. I'm wonderful. Today I'm putting off my Geometry homework so here I go.

The major BAD thing that happened lately was that our Cottage was robbed. Some hooligans (that's what the disgruntled next-door neighbor called them) broke into the house and stole all the valubles, plus my dad's shaver and cream (????). Too bad I wasn't there, I would've blown their brains out with that BB gun we found in the closet. They didn't take that for some reason. ::shakes head:: What kind of person actually does this sort of thing anyway? Asswipes.

Took a French test today, on body parts incidently, and I did not do so well. I'll retake it. I'd better put that on my Palm. I love my Palm. Other school work that needs to be done is a book report in English and an imaginary journal in History. When I say imaginary I mean making up the entries of the main character of my historical fiction book, not imagining the whole journal and retaining it in my little head. Not that I could.

I love Finding Nemo. I bug the Dickens out of people by quoting it all over. I don't see why people get so uptight about stuff like that. I think they need to lighten up! Sheesh. Anyways, I find I have much in common with Dory. Sunday night, I woke up and couldn't remember who I was. Not in that sense where I spoke aloud, asking myself who I was but I had no sense of where I was and I just felt I didn't know who I was. Then I moved my head and that fog cleared. Yup. But I'm a forgetful and out-of-it person most of the time.

I'm trying to get organized again. I'm even trying to make a list of all the books I own. It's quite a challenge actually. But most of all, I want to update my Palm. I forgot about it and now that I've found it again I must use it. I'm going to be updating addresses, making wishlists, and basically using it as much as my dad does. My dad has an awesome Palm, it can even browse the internet! How cool is that? Mine's not even in color, but what need have I of a fancy palm? I'm 13 years old for goodness sake!

Well, I hate being cut off when I'm rambling but I must sleep (or sneak my geo book into my bed and PRENTEND to sleep. Lol.)


november 16 .2003

I've returned from the Cottage! :) The Cottage is my code-name for our house by the lake. My mom was in Texas so it was just Papa, Miguel and myself. I love spending weekends there because it's just so peaceful. You're just able to relax when you're there. Even was able to use the internet (dial-up), which is more than I expected. Neopets is down, revamping games. The ads have started to show up so I've been working a little on a new layout. Hopefully, it'll be up by next week. Boy, do I ever wish I could be hosted.

Ah, I have to write about my church experience. Yesterday, at around 4:30, we [my dad, myself and my brother] went to church because we weren't going to go today. At the end, this old woman in front of us farted. This little girl two pews ahead of us turned around to see who it was, and I was directly behind her. So she smiles at me and I wink at her knowing full well what she was thinking. She turned back around to tell her brothers and they all start looking at me. ^^;; It was so funny, I was giggling like mad. I know most would shame me when I say this but...I don't like going to church. Not because of old women who fart without control; because I cannot feel that "spiritual fullness" in a full church. People in church make me tense. I feel better praying at home. But I've gotta be careful there too because I'm scared of religious figurines - I slept in my grandmother's room once, along with her foot high Mary statue. It was looking at me. Not a comfortable feeling. I have nightmares about those things. Jesus help me.

I hear Britney Spear's new CD is coming out. It's supposed to be a real sensual mix. The lady on television seemed to think Britney is trying to be a little Madonna. You know, I like a lot of Britney's music. Of course, some of it just drives me up the wall and out the door but there's a just sound to it. In my opinion, people can't get over the fact she went so quickly from "little girl" to "sexy woman". Of course, sometimes she looks undeniably slutty. I like some her music and will buy the newest CD :) Afterall, I want to see how "awful" she is. I never bought her Slave 4 U CD. I ought to buy that as well and compare ^__^ I don't care if she is a slut, she can sing, ok?

These people that sold us the Cottage - they left a whole bunch of their stuff! My God, they left us a BB gun or Airgun or whatever it was. I don't like guns; they scare the hell outta me. I don't like hunting either, mainly because it hurts the animals. I mean, if you gotta kill you might as well do it humanely. These are treasonous words in my town; most kids are hunters. I'm don't hate really, I just wish it didn't have to happen.

I don't see why people hate celebrities so much anyway...it's not like they are doing anything wrong to us. If I don't like someone's music, I don't listen to it. Why to we have to go as far as making hate listings? Like what is up with people hating Avril? Because she's punk, or whatever she defines punk as? I don't know; I never understood this crap. On that note: I like Avril. There are a few songs that I have to skip but on the whole, I like her music. Since I'm here, I'll just go through the celebrities that have hatelistings registered.

Oooh, ooh, oooh! Papa just bought me Finding Nemo. I love that movie! Dori is my role model, y'know! As Katie would say, "Nemo is soo sexy!". Lol. I'm totally obsessed with that movie. I used the word "totally" but in "Turtle Dude" voice. Whee!!!!! I'll be sure to join the fanlisting and add it to my Favorite Movies page when I've finished updating. Oh yeah, and thanks to HaloScan I'll be putting up a comments thing for my blog. Like anyone will want to comment on something like this. It's a ramble and so hard to even give a title!

I've got a science test tomorrow. I'd better do that and practice my music. I never practice ^^;; which may have something to do about why I'm so bad. BAD.

[edit]New layout. Not geometry related (too lazy for THAT), but I tried for a crisp, school-like air. I don't think I succeeded too well, but I like it. Managed to get rid of those stupid ads anyway.[/edit]

november 15 .2003

This would be my, oh , newest attempt at making an online blog/diary. I'm just so picky about it; it has to fit me perfectly. This one looks just about right. Nothing fancy, just words. Me, me, me I say! Actually on the main page of ching-ching, it's harder to just blog because I have to name all of the updates too. That doesn't mean I'm going to steer clear of 'Net subjects, o'course. Speaking of which... my Neopet activity has just peaked. I'm working on finally rebuilding my virtual pet empire :K Lol. Fun, fun, fun. Oh and please visit Erin because I like her style. She rocks; and so does Celine! Woot! As for ching-ching, as soon as the ads start popping up (so I can make sure that they are gone) I'll make a new layout. I thought it'd be something dedicated to geometry; lotsa shapes and stuff.

I'm leaving for tonight; I'm staying over night at the Cottage. Tomorrow, I'll blog about my church experience today 0_o.
