My comments are in //bold. Some of the useless ones that don't make sense and the really sick ones have been deleted.
cara is dead but it's too early to celebrate //I feel so loved
cara is a free lunch we can't afford //I know. I'm expensive.
cara is not dead //That's too bad.
cara is a threat to property rights 10/02/00 //I agree.
cara is reborn //I always knew I was a cow in my past life
cara is a "pork //...chop?
cara is my co //...worker?
cara is back and appears to be on the fast track //VROOOM!! Doh!
cara is geboren //That's a german word I think
cara is fiscally irresonsible and a threat to local land use decisions by gregg vanhelmond and angela antonelli backgrounder #1370
//What am I now?
cara is fiscally irresonsible //we've already gone over that
cara is dead //hurray!
cara is a national science foundation science and technology center
//yeah, and I won the Nobel prize too
cara is also partnering with industry to promote the creation of the technologically advanced detectors needed to pursue our science
//This is why I won the Nobel prize.
cara is a threat to property rights
//These seems to be a reoccuring thought
cara is a state chapter of the association of professional researchers for advancement
cara is a "pork //It said I was a pork up their too. Oink.
cara is a bad idea //Not so!
cara is a learning environment which may be used by child protection investigators as well as caseworkers and
//this doesn't make sense.
cara is correct //as always!
cara is a memory resident //I am a resident of my memory.
cara is gone //That's almost as good as me being dead!
cara is gutted //That's better than me being dead
cara is just 25 years old //Really? I can drink beer now?
cara is a 15 year //....still, I want to drink beer.
cara is co //...lateral?
cara is back //you wish < br>
cara is an rdf api written in perl //that's nerd talk for ya.
cara is a leading restaurant and food //Sounds something like McDonalds.
cara is pleased that pomona college will be our event site again
//Oh yeah, I'm bursting with joy!
cara is dedicated to this mission and to the enrichment of the quality of life for children waiting for adoption
//Yeah, I'm a nun too.
cara is a not //...stupid!
cara is a breath of fresh air //Come on now, smell me!
cara is originally from a large italian family in glasgow and returns home after nearly 10 years in london
//Yeah, I missed the pasta.
cara is to acquire more land //Oh ya, baby!
cara is vying for the same minimal city funding as veteran agencies like the king county sexual assault resource center
//That's all very nice, but are we talking about me here?
cara is the most important wildlife conservation funding legislation in decades
//What is with me being an organization?
cara is in the process of moving and will notify everyone when the event takes place and where we will be located
//Sounds like I finally got a domain.
cara is looking for professionals to speak at regional seminar days and/or the summer workshop
//I'm holding a seminar for Sanrio.
cara is able to help her audience put //on a happy face?
cara is the conservation and reinvestment act //go me!
cara is one of ireland's largest indigenous it companies since its establishment 30 years ago
//Woohoo Ireland!
cara is precious //you'd better believe it!
cara is my oh //oh....supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
cara is a leader of diversified food services //Yup. I fired you.
cara is good for all alaskans //I HATE THE COLD!
cara is to improve land conservation and recreation in the united states
//That would be nice, wouldn't it?
cara is to reform the current state acquisition process
//I'll pretend I know what that is
cara is a team leader of hands on
//squirrel breeding!
cara is a licensed community based residential facility located at 143 church avenue that helps chronically mentally ill adults make the transition from
//Really now :) That's good.
cara is tied to title iii //IIII...Yii..
cara is the most special person on earth
//like, duh!
cara is a source of annual funding for environmental improvement projects in the coastal counties of several states
//I'm just full of good deeds
cara is always willing to take jamie and me anywhere we want; that is
//when they pay me
cara is now //President of the US
cara is strongly promoted by the powerful environmental lobby
//Of course I am. Did you see what organizations I'm part of?
cara is a graduate of california state university
//Boy, I'm smart.
cara is available here //for limited time only
cara is managed by internationally internationally known equestrians
//Sure I am.
cara is an accommodation and respite service for adults and children with severe multiple disabilities and adults with severe physical disabilites
//All these charities, so little time. Excuse me, I have to gain sainthood.
cara is the danbury area's general //Yup.
cara is getting ready for her date //Really now?
cara is excited about the opportunity for exposure and is planning on moving to los angeles as soon as the taping for the show ends
//My show is called "Where the hell is my bowtie?"
cara is a stunning girl displaying beautiful breed type //you can breed me?
cara is still bottled up in the senate energy and natural resources committee
//forever damned
cara is tied to title iii which provides additional funds to state fish and wildlife agencies through a trust account congressionally
//I wondered what iii meant
cara is introduced by helping melyon find his daughter
//"Sir, I found her sleeping with a monkey!"
cara is //wonderful
cara is pl's top rookie //rookie at what?
cara is the 523rd most popular female first name in the united states; frequency is 0
//Boy, am I special?
cara is a great legacy for future generations //Of course. Who else
can lick her toes?
cara is in trouble and it is quite understandable why //A daily
occurence in my life, mate.
cara is already being noticed //as a sexy woman...
cara is "totally screwed up" with a "raging eating//I know it
cara is destined to be a disaster for one of its intended beneficiaries the
cara is an act of gross legislative irresponsibility that should be interred as soon as possible
//gross for sure!
cara is fascinated by dark things //...let's not forget sharp things
cara is the most important wildlife conservation funding legislation > in > decades
cara is its direct benefit to marine fisheries and other coastal resources
//Yay, water!
cara is used to my antics by now and gently says //gently says "You cocksucker!"
cara is een niet te onderschatten probleem //is this English?
cara is located 150 yards west of the intersection of r571 and r575
//I can't follow directions to save my life.
cara is one of the recipients of this funding //for saliva deprivition.