1. My electronics/b>
2. My book collection - I'm a healthy collector of books, at least, so I think. I am especially partial to my 'favorites' bookshelf which contains the Series of Unfortunate Events 1-8, Harry Potter books 1-5, LOTR books, the Royal Diaries collection (almost all of them) and a few random selections about magic and such. I'm a fanciful and nerdy person.
3. My music stuff - I love my CDs and my CD players (I have two portable ones and one non-portable). I listen to music all of the time and use my spare change (when it comes along, which is rare) to buy new CDs. These CDs are chosen based on recommmendations and reviews.
4. My clothes, jewelry and hair stuffs - I love all of these things. My grandmother is quite a fashion-follower, especially at what's in in the Philippines. She influenced me a lot, plus the gifts she gave were usually beautiful jewelry and kewl clothes. I'm not a big obsessor over what I wear, but it's fun to be decked out.
5. My dad's cooking - I consider him the best chef in my little world. He's quite the gourmet chef, and whips up the best dinners for our family. I'm also partial to asian/oriental food, Japanese particularly. Filipino food ain't half bad either.. *mmm*
5. The 'Net - I'm definitely wired. I love the internet and have many favorite websites across the web. I especially love this website, not because it has great content or awes-inspiring design, but because it's mine.
6. My room - I have no idea how I'm going to leave my house. I'm in love with my too-pink-for-you room. I love being in it, and I can pretend it loves me. Go away.
7. Sanrio stuff - This is a no brainer. I'm very sentimental when it comes to my Sanrio stuff. School supplies, pillows and clothes and such. Since I won't let anyone throw anything Sanrio away, it's a very big collectin. I love Hello Kitty the best, though I like all of the characters and can probably name droves of them off the mark. It's an unhealthy relationship.