>>Random Facts<<
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Haha, I finally broke down and added this page again. I didn't really like
it too much, but now I just lust for it. Strange.
- I am the person most likely to do the chicken dance for the president.
- I love to be creative and be artistic about everything.
- You will either love or hate my laugh. I laugh often and usually decide
how it is going to sound. Hee haw.
- I only cry at night.
- I love Sanrio.
- I don't bruise easily.
- I sit on my feet all the time. I can't stand wearing shoes for long
periods of time.
- I have a good memory longterm...but my shorterm memory is crap.
- I have problems with internet "language".
- I like animals, but that doesn't stop me from eating them, sorry.
- I have abnormal feet and hands, they are too small for the rest of me.
- I like to curl up and read, especially in beanbags.
- I naturally love cute stuff.
- I think that my nails look tacky in anything that isn't opaque. I like
my toenails to be silver.
- I like to eat cereal. I like Kix cereal. kid tested, mother approved
- It takes me a second to grasp things - try asking me my name, quickly,
and I'll get confused.
- I've never been stung by a bee, nor have I ever been sunburned.
- I don't take things lying down. If I do, you'll be under me.
- I love big black dogs.
- I get mad at people who talk behind my back instead of bringing the
problem straight to me.
- Hate it when people say very stupid things (that are quite insulting) and
MEAN it.
- I have these little black things on my body called "moles" but they
aren't raised or hairy, so they don't look bad. But I have quite a few;
some in places you'd never guess.
- I have four IM programs and I rarely ever use them.
- I am a packrat.
- If it wasn't necessary, I'd go around all day in pajamas.
- For all my openmindedness, I don't like slash fiction. I can't imagine why
either. I am comfortable around gays and lesbians, I hate it when people
get all huffy about homosexuality yet I don't like reading ^most^ slash
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